FOUNDATIONAL BIBLE study series...


While we want all seekers to be saved by grace, there is no grace if we perceive no sin. Of course, all have sinned (Romans 3:23); therefore, we all desperately need the grace of God (Romans 6:23). Thus, the aim of this study is to help seekers see themselves as our Holy God sees them: utterly sinful and separated from our God. This realization brings about a desire for both forgiveness and repentance. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict seekers in this study (John 16:8).

See comments above.

Jesus is a bridge between your sin and your potential for love. The more you appreciate your sinful indebtedness to Jesus; the more you will be grateful for his grace. The end result: you love much (i.e. Discipleship). Conversely, the less you appreciate your sinful indebtedness, the smaller your gratitude and the less you love. Is your attitude toward your sin more like Simon’s or more like the sinful woman’s? Suggest some practicals to get in touch with your sinful indebtedness: Study specific sins as detailed by the Bible. Consider the most recent time you committed that sin; consider the first time; consider your attitude towards God each time you indulged that sin. Journals/discussions/ time lines all help increase one’s appreciation of our debt through sin.

Take ownership for sin! We are responsible for our own sin. Despite genetics, parenting, peer pressures, and socio-economic conditions, sin comes from within our own hearts and makes us unclean. What is the consequence of being unclean before God? Discuss the sins cataloged by Jesus. Add scriptures, which catalog sins - if needed.

Sinful deeds are obvious. What does “will not inherit the Kingdom of God” mean? Be as specific as necessary to both explain and share about the sins listed.

Not even a hint or a mention of sin should be the standard for followers of Jesus. Has anyone ever shared “empty words” with you in order to minimize God’s wrath to sin and sinners? Exposing sin to the light is a great step toward proclaiming a real need for grace.

Sins of commission (sins you commit) vs. sins of omission (virtues you omit).

Your sin has made a separation between you and your God. This study is not just about a list of sins, but instead about the depth of your separation from your Father.

Additional Scriptures:
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